
Analysis Figurative Language in Poetry

Poetry 1 I'm Nobody! Who are you?  By Emily Dickinson (1861) I'm Nobody! Who are you? Are you – Nobody – too? Then there's a pair of us! Don't tell! they'd banish us – you know! How dreary – to be – Somebody! How public – like a Frog – To tell your name – the livelong June – To an admiring Bog! Analysis:  1. I'm Nobody   Metaphor : The term “Nobody” is used as a metaphor for someone who is not part of the public sphere, not seeking recognition or fame. It’s a figurative way to describe anonymity or the choice to remain unnoticed. So, 'Nobody' is a word which the subject "I" is compared without any comparation words.  2.  How public – like a Frog – Simile : The comparison of a "Somebody" or "I" to a “Frog” is a simile , using the word “like” to highlight the negative qualities of being famous.  3. To tell your name – the livelong June – Hyperbole : The phrase “the livelong June” is a hyperbole, exaggerating the length an...

Development of Staple Food Up To Eid Mubarok in 2023

  Staple food is certainly essential in life. They are common necessity for society to consume in their daily. Stample food is additionally produced into business, such as being a restaurant and small shop that we know them is warteg. Every single year to commemorate Eid Mubarok, staple food is one of targets in humas beings, specifically rice, chick-eggs, cooking-oil, sugar, salt, beef, garlic, shallot, chili, etc. As a result, people, especially for mothers or housewives, suppose to acquire them faster by comparing high-low cost, stock.  Firstly , purchasing staple food with unfixed price makes people critical to decide what they are going to buy; Growth of price, every time , ensure to be increased on every Eid day. Development cost of staple food absolutely pressures the public's budgets. Based on the survey, the minister of trade, Zulkifli Hasan, said, "Process of increasing and decreasing of staple food's cost is surely observed all the time up to fasting day and E...

About Bella English Course

Setelah saya melewati masa belajar saya selama 6 bulan di kota orang dengan pulang banyak pengalaman dan ilmu yang banyak, saya ingin apa, yang saya sudah bawa ke Jakarta bermanfaat bagi orang lain. Dengan prinsip itu, saya merencanakan dan memutuskan untuk mendirikan sebuah kursus bagi anak-anak sekolah di semua kalangan tingkat, yang saya namai Bella English Course dan diresmikan pada tanggal 21 Maret 2021, 1 bulan setelah lulus dari kampung orang.  Bella English Course dinamakan karena saya mengambil singkatan dari kursus—yang dimana saya pernah menuntut ilmu—yaitu BEC, Basic English Course, agar tetap terkenang, dan kebetulan nama saya berawal dari B, Jadi saya mengambil itu sebagai nama lembaga kursus. Di Bella English Course, tutor mengajar dari materi dasar, mulai dari Grammar, Vocabulary, Speaking. Grammar yang dimana mulai dikenalkan dengan beberapa tenses yang umum digunakan, beberapa kelas kata serta sentence structure di dalam penyampaian pelajaran yg mudah dipahami, ya...

Medical Article

Paraphrasing is a manner how we are inquired to be more creative to change every single word without varying the meaning the primary text using own words. It takes our capable of looking up some unfamiliar words, applying for synonym words. However, notice how paraphrase looks like, such as how long the length of the paragraph, how many words and sentence structures are changed, but it does not change the tenses of the article. Overall, do not do plagiarism of your paraphrased text to original text. See how to follow steps avoid being plagiarism above.  Summary is a step how we support our important main thought of the topic about, and summarizing is used to let readers know how the ending is of the story. Make sure that the length of the paragraph is shorter, and also make sure that use your own words and own sentence structure without changing the primary of the original text. The summary will look amazing to understand if some of us use transition signals.  Source : ...


Hallo! Nama saya Bella Anastasia Damanik. Semua orang biasa panggil saya Bella. Saya lahir di Medan, 1 Agustus 2002. Saya ber-umur 20-an. Saya adalah orang Batak karena kedua orang tua saya bersuku Batak. Saya mempunyai banyak hobi, tetapi hobi yang paling saya suka banget adalah — Membaca, mendengarkan lagu, dan jalan-jalan; Saya cinta sekali dengan buku yang berbau akademik, novel fiksi ataupun tidak fiksi. Alasan kenapa saya suka membaca buku akademik? Karena saya ingin sekali menjadi seorang guru semua kalangan ataupun seorang dosen di sebuah universitas; Untuk lebih spesifik subjek nya, yaitu Bahasa Inggris. Saya adalah anak ke-1 dari 4 bersaudara, yaitu 2 perempuan dan 2 laki-laki, dan kami selang-seling. Adik-adik saya masih bersekolah di tingkat mulai dari SD, SMP, dan SMA, dan saya sendiri di tingkat lebih tinggi, yaitu Kuliah.  Saya, saat ini, sedang berkuliah di universitas Gunadarma dengan prodi Sastra Inggris, Falkutas Sastra dan Budaya. Saya angkatan 2021. Sastra Ingg...

Food in Written Essay

Food Food is essential for our bodies for many reasons. It gives us the energy we need to work, play, and perform daily tasks. It helps us grow, strengthens our bones and muscles, repairs damaged cells, and boosts our immune system. And this is not all! Food also provides us with an essential source of satisfaction for our mental well-being. But is all food healthy? No. Only those foods that contain nutrients in moderation are considered healthy. People of all ages should be aware of the benefits of eating a healthy diet because it ensures a fit, healthy life for many years. To begin with many kinds of foods, the food has types of. The following are the dif ferent types of healthy foods and your corresponding amount of healthy food. Cereals, bread, potatoes, and other legumes – are the primary sources of carbohydrates. The calories found in them enable us to do the work. Pulses, milk and dairy products, eggs, poultry, animal meat in moderation – these are excellent sources of protein...

Modern Technology

Modern Technology Not too long ago, everyday life was filled with burdensome, time-consuming chores that left little time for much more than completing these tasks. People generally worked from their homes or within walking distance to their homes and rarely traveled far from them. people were limited to whatever their physical capacities were. All this changed dramatically as new technologies developed. Modern technology has most improved our lives through convenience, efficiency Almost every aspect of modern life has been improved through convenience provided by technology . From the alarm clock in the morning to the entertainment center at night, everyday life is improved. The automatic coffee maker has the coffee ready at a certain time. Cars or public transportation bring people to work where computers operate at the push of a button. At home, there’s the convenience of washing machines and dryers, dishwashers, air conditioners, and power lawn mowers. Some people say the conve...